![](../img/pixel.gif) |
Examples of image creation
by scripts
With Scripts (available from the
Selection Bar above),
You Can Easily Create Your Works.
You can download scripts from Script Selection Bar
above. Your click of a small square in a Script Selection Bar shows the
page which has art work and a link to download the script creating this
art work.
If you find your favorite artwork, you can create one like this artwork
by yourself with the script.
You must get the apropriate version of SIC
on which your selected script can work.
For preparation for use, the first thing you have to do is to put the
scripts you selected into the directory "~/.gimp-1.x/scripts".
Three scripts groups
A Group start with PA : Basic Process
for examples
PA00=0(PA01 in v1.1) produces similar size brush strokes,
PA00=3(PA02 in v1.1) produces many different size of brush stroke
from small one to very large one.
PA00=4(PA03 in v1.1) made by Mr. Kido.
B Group start with PB:
Arranging Texture Image
SIC utilizes not only photo image but a texture image produced from
a photo image to create art works. These scripts below arrange the texture
image by GIMP filter before using SIC. This modified texture image makes
new unusual expressions.
for examples
PB00=0(PB01 in v1.1) adds radial motion blur to fringe of a texture
PB00=1(PB02 in v1.1) adds circular motion blur to fringe of a texture
PB16=0(PB03 in v1.1) adds mosaic-like texture to texture image.
C Group start with PC:
using a color scheme of masterpiece of painting.
First, download a color scheme file below. Second, change the file
name to map_28_merged_source. Last, apply this script; PC01.
for example
PC00=0(PC01 in v1.1) produces art works by using of a color scheme
of a masterpiece of painting, You can get a color scheme file "map_28_merged_Portrait_of_Max_Jacob"
at the page of PC00=0
How to use scripts start with P
1 Download a Sample
Image and start GIMP at the directory which a sample image is in.
At this time, plugins of sic- or sic- have to be put into
the directory " ~/.gimp-1.x/plug-ins " sic- and sic-
can be download here.
2 Open the Sample image "hisago.jpg".
Apply the script whose name begin with P, for example PA01 to this image.
Then, many windows are going to be created sequentially. Finally, the
oil-painting-like work with twice dimention of original image is created.
Like this example, the script whose name begin with P can directly apply
to a photo image. But, some old scripts start with letters except P are
explained bellow
On the way to image creation, the green image below being same size of
an original photo should be created.
3 Save this image with name of "segmented.xcf". Lossy
type compression file like jpeg should not be used.
4 To the green image "segmented.xcf", apply the script
whose name starts with characters except P , for example A=14, then this
type of scripts can execute a farther process left. Finally, The twice
enlarged art work with another kind of expression is created. Scripts
begin with A,B or C are the same.
You can modify the works made by scprips acording
to your taste
The copyrights of these scripts is belong to each creator.